What is Results Search?
Results Search searches for text in results across all your forms.
To search a specific form, use a Results Filter.
On your account's "Results Search" page, enter a search term. All text item types (Short Answer, Long Answer, Email Address, etc.) will be searched. Partial matches will be found, but text can't be matched across multiple items. For example, if you have a form with a "First Name" item and a "Last Name" item and you search for "John Smith", it won't find the two separate answers "John" and "Smith". Results outside of text item types can't be searched, such as: multiple choice item choices (except for "other" choice answers), Save & Return account info, payment status, etc.
For each form found with matching results, the results' reference numbers will be listed. Click a reference number to jump to the full result in the form's Results Table.