What are Results Filters?
Results Filters search and show only results matching your criteria. Results Filters can be created and then applied to almost any place in Formsite dealing with results.
Create a New Results Filter
On your form's "Results Filters" page, click the "New" button and give your Results Filter a unique name. Then, use the "Rules" settings to add criteria. For each criteria, choose the item, comparison operator, and value to search for. When you're finished, click the "Save" button.
Alternately, to make a quick one-time search you won't need again later, instead of saving, click the "Apply Filter Now" button.
Edit or Delete an Existing Results Filter
On your form's "Results Filters" page, use the list on the right to select a Results Filter. Modify any settings. When you're finished, click the "Save" button. To delete a Results Filter, select it and click the "Delete" button.
If you delete a Results Filter that's in use, such as in a Results Report, results will no longer be filtered and all results will be shown.
Filter Criteria
Each filter criteria specifies an item from your form, a comparison operator, and a value to compare to. If you create two or more criteria, you can also choose whether the criteria should be matched together as "AND" (all the criteria must match) or "OR" (at least one of the criteria must match).
The types of comparison operators usable in the criteria depends on the item type it's looking at. A multiple choice item type can use "is" or "is not" to match if one of its choices was chosen or not chosen. A text field item type can use more operators like "contains" and "starts with" to match if text appears in its answer.
Results Filters can contain up to 20 criteria, but for fast performance it's best to use as few as possible. If a Results Filter is running slowly, don't repeatedly retry it, it will only make it take longer. Instead, give it time to complete, wait a few minutes for the system to become less busy, or reduce the number of criteria before trying again.
Applying Results Filters
After you have a saved Results Filter, look for the "Results Filter" setting on pages and features dealing with results. For example, you can create a Results Report that only includes matching results rows. You can reuse the same Results Filter in multiple places.
Additional Information
Results Filters are form-specific, there isn't a way to use information from multiple forms in the same Results Filter.