What is Google Sheets Integration?
Google Sheets integration sends results from your form to a Google Sheet in your Google account's Google Drive.
The Google Sheets integration feature requires a Professional level Formsite account and a Google account.
Create a New Integration
On your form's "Integrations" page, click the integration for "Google Sheets". Then, click the "Get Authorization" button to authenticate and connect with your Google account. You'll be asked to log into Google, if you're not already. When you're finished, click the "Save" button.
Collecting Google Sheets Results
When a form user completes your form, their result will be sent to your Google Sheet. If the Sheet doesn't exist yet it will be created, otherwise the result will be appended as a new row.
If you have a G Suite account you can optionally save results into a Sheet in a shared drive. For more information on G Suite shared drives see Google's G Suite Learning Center.
When you edit a result in Formsite, the result's row will also be updated in your Google Sheet. If you're using a Results View, make sure it includes "Reference #" so existing rows can be located for updating.
Note: The integration can only send new results to Google Drive, it can't retrieve or delete existing data. Changes you make in Google Drive won't affect your results in Formsite.
Tips and Troubleshooting
If, for some reason, a result wasn't sent to your Google Sheet, or your form wasn't integrated yet when the result was collected, you can resubmit it to Google Drive on your form's "Results" page, by editing and saving the result. If needed, the result's status can be manually changed to "complete" by clicking its status icon.
The columns in your Google Sheet are created when you set up the integration. If you add or delete items on your form, the columns won't match anymore and new results might not get appended correctly. To fix this, edit your Google Sheet in Google Drive to make the columns match your form or change the integration to send to a new Google Sheet.
Google has a limit of 50 authorization tokens per Google account per app. If you integrate your Google account with more than 50 Formsite forms and exceed this limit, they may start revoking older tokens and cause the integrations for those forms to fail. If you need to integrate with more than 50 forms, you can work around this by copying the value of the "Token" setting from a working form into an older form so they share the same token and reduce the total number of tokens you're using. Google also suggests using multiple Google accounts to decrease the number of integrations in a single account.