What is Amazon S3 Integration?
Amazon S3 integration allows your form's results or uploaded files to be sent to your Amazon S3 bucket.
The Amazon S3 integration feature requires a Pro 2 level or higher Formsite account to send results (because it uses the Results Docs feature) or a Pro 1 level or higher Formsite account to send uploaded files, and an Amazon AWS account.
Create a New Integration
On your form's "Integrations" page, click the integration for "Amazon S3". Then, enter your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and S3 bucket name. When you're finished, click the "Save" button.
Note: At minimum, you will need the AWS "PutObject" permission for your bucket. You can optionally add the AWS "ReadObject" permission to allow the integration to detect and skip previously uploaded files when editing results. For best security, create a new IAM user to use specifically for this integration.
Collecting Amazon S3 results
When a form user completes your form, their results or uploaded files will be sent to your Amazon S3 bucket. If there's an existing file in your bucket with the same name as a new file, Amazon S3 will replace the existing file. If versioning is enabled for the bucket, a new version of the file will be created and the old version will remain.
You can use Piping to customize the "Filename prefix" or "Folder" with information from your form and slashes to create new sub-folders. Amazon S3 will automatically create any sub-folders that don't exist yet. For example, the file prefix [pipe:reference_#]/
would send files to a sub-folder named after the result's Reference Number.
Note: The integration can only send new files to Amazon S3, it can't retrieve or delete existing files.
Tips and Troubleshooting
If, for some reason, a result wasn't sent to Amazon S3, or your form wasn't integrated yet when the result was collected, you can resubmit it to Amazon S3 on your form's "Results" page, by editing and saving the result. If needed, the result's status can be manually changed to "complete" by clicking its status icon.
Sending large files to Amazon S3 can take a long time. There's not an exact size limit, but sending more than about 100 MB of files can sometimes cause the submission to "time out", which means the submission exceeds your browser's wait time and it gives up waiting for a response. To prevent this, you can limit the allowed size of uploaded files using the File Upload item's "Max file size" setting.