What is Slack Integration?
Slack integration sends results from your form to a channel or user in your Slack Workspace.
The Slack integration feature requires a Professional level Formsite account and a Slack account.
Create a New Integration
On your form's "Integrations" page, click the integration for "Slack", then click the "Get Authorization" button to authenticate and connect with your Slack Workspace. You'll be asked to log into Slack, if you're not already, and select a channel or a user to send results to. When you're finished, click the "Save" button.
Collecting Slack Results
When a form user completes your form, a message will be sent to your Slack Workspace. You can choose between Text format to send the result as text or Populated Form Link format to send a link to view the result.
You can use Results Filters and Results Views to restrict what is sent or use "Include message" to add extra information.
Note: Slack integration has a limit of 2,500 characters for a single message. Content exceeding that limit will be truncated.
Tips and Troubleshooting
If, for some reason, a result wasn't sent to Slack, or your form wasn't integrated yet when the result was collected, you can resubmit it to Slack on your form's "Results" page, by editing and saving the result. If needed, the result's status can be manually changed to "complete" by clicking its status icon.