What is Salesforce Integration?
Salesforce integration uses results from your form to send object records to your Salesforce account. All Salesforce objects are supported, including custom objects.
The Salesforce integration feature requires a Pro 3 level or higher Formsite account and an Unlimited, Enterprise, Developer, or Professional level Salesforce account with API access.
Create a New Integration
On your form's "Integrations" page, click the integration for "Salesforce". Then, click the "Get Authorization" button to authenticate and connect with your Salesforce account. You'll be asked to log into Salesforce, if you're not already. When you're finished, click the "Save" button.
Once your form is connected to Salesforce, you can setup object mappings. You can do this manually by clicking the "Add Object" button and selecting the desired object from the list. Then, use the "+" button to add a row for each Salesforce field and form item you want to map. When done, click the "Save" button.
If you have a File Upload item on your form, each object will also show an "Include files" checkbox. Enabling this will allow you to select one or more File Upload items to map to that object. The integration will save any files that the user uploads to those items into your Salesforce account as Files, attached to the mapped parent object.
The easiest way to integrate form items with a Salesforce object is to edit your form and add a Salesforce Object Block item, from the Block Items category in the list of items to choose from. Select which Salesforce object type to create and all the object's fields will automatically be added as form items mapped to fields in the object. Each item's label, type, and optional/required will be set based on the attributes from the Salesforce object. It's best to leave the item types as they were created, but you can change the item labels or delete any non-required items you don't need to collect.
You can further customize how items on your form are mapped to Salesforce objects by going back to your form's "Integrations -> Salesforce" page. It's recommended to go to this page and save it after adding a Salesforce Object Block or editing mapped items to make sure all of the mappings are up to date.
Collecting Salesforce Results
When a form user completes your form, their result will create a new record which will be sent to Salesforce. If your form has multiple pages, the record will become created after the first page of your form with mapped items and then will get updated further as each remaining page is completed. If you've opted to include any files, they'll only be sent at the end when the submission is complete.
When you edit a result in Formsite, the result's record will also be updated in your Salesforce object. If files are included, the integration will only upload files that are detected to have changed.
Note: The integration can only send new records to Salesforce or modify records it created, it can't retrieve or delete existing records. Changes you make in Salesforce won't affect your results in Formsite.
Salesforce Object IDs
Some Salesforce object fields require the ID of a related Salesforce record. Salesforce refers to these as "reference" fields. For example, if you're using the Contact ID field of an Account object, it requires the ID of a Contact record to associate the Contact with the Account. To look up a record's ID, log into your Salesforce account and navigate to the record you want to use. Then, in your browser's address bar, copy the ID code that appears after the last slash at the end of the URL. The ID is usually 15 characters and should look something like: "001F000000rXh8U".
Alternately, on your form's "Salesforce" page, use the magnifying glass icons to query your Salesforce account for related record IDs.
If you know ahead of time a record ID you want use on your form, you can Pre-Populate the ID value into an item or use a Hidden Field item with a default value.
Tips and Troubleshooting
If, for some reason, a result wasn't sent to Salesforce, or your form wasn't integrated yet when the result was collected, you can resubmit it to Salesforce on your form's "Results" page, by editing and saving the result. If needed, the result's status can be manually changed to "complete" by clicking its status icon.
Files sent to Salesforce are limited to 20 total files with a maximum size limit of 20 MB each. We recommend setting the "Max file size" limit of the File Upload items on your form to 20 MB or less and the "Max files" limit as appropriate to avoid errors.