What is Microsoft OneDrive Integration?
Microsoft OneDrive integration sends your form's results or uploaded files to your OneDrive Personal, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint account.
The Microsoft OneDrive integration feature requires a Business (formerly Pro 2) level Formsite account to send results (because it uses the Results Docs feature) or a Professional level Formsite account to send uploaded files, and a Microsoft account.
Create a New Integration
On your form's "Integrations" page, click the integration for "Microsoft OneDrive", then click the "Get Authorization" button to authenticate with your Microsoft account. You'll be asked to log into Microsoft, if you're not already. When you're finished, click the "Save" button.
Collecting Microsoft OneDrive Results
When a form user completes your form, their results or uploaded files will be sent to your Microsoft OneDrive library. If there's an existing file in OneDrive with the same name as a new file, OneDrive will replace the existing file.
Microsoft OneDrive doesn't allow these characters in filenames: \ / * < > ? : | # $ % `
, they'll automatically be filtered out and replaced with _
Note: The integration can only send new files to Microsoft OneDrive, it can't retrieve or delete existing files.
Tips and Troubleshooting
If, for some reason, a result wasn't sent to Microsoft OneDrive or your form wasn't integrated yet when the result was collected, you can resubmit it to OneDrive on your form's "Results" page by editing and saving the result. If needed, the result's status can be manually changed to "complete" by clicking its status icon.
Sending large files to Microsoft OneDrive can take a long time. Sending more than 50 MB of files can sometimes cause the submission to "time out", which means the submission exceeds your browser's wait time and it gives up waiting for a response. To prevent this, you can limit the allowed size of uploaded files using the File Upload item's "Max file size" setting.